Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sweet 16 Candy Poster!

What do you do for one of your cute young women who is turning 16 years old? A candy poster with advice on dating of course! And I bet if you asked them what they wanted they would tell you that, even before a car ;)

So here is what I came up with, and I just want to state that I LOVE Pinterest just as much as the next guy, or gal, but there is still something awesome about creating something with your own heart and mind. Even if you are using the "cheesy" part of one of those. I like to remind myself every once in a while that I can still create something with just the idea in my head. It makes me happy!

All you need is a poster board, markers, candy of your choice and a little "cheese" and you are set!

And so it begins....

Here we go, another blog to try and keep up on. However this blog will be the first one that I have done that isn't private. So here we go! My hope is that there may be someone, even if it literally is just one, who gets inspired or simply finds an idea on here that is useful for them then I have accomplished my goal!

I am the mother of four, a wife, a librarian, and currently a young women president among other things, and the truth is I find myself in awe at the talent and creativity of so many out there. I often wonder how do they find the time, but really I am just grateful that they do! I know that if someone could get inside my head for just a minute it would be exhausting! I have so many ideas and projects that are just waiting to happen, and most of those projects have to be scaled down because of one thing or another, time, budget, lack of know get the idea. But in my older age, which despite what my husband may think is not that old, I have embraced my new approach at projects and well many things in my life for that matter, as semi-homemade! Yep, it works and I am just fine with it. Like I mentioned before there are so many talented people willing to share so why not embrace it and be grateful for it. You can always add your own personal touch and make it yours, make it unique!

So this blog will serve as a place where I can put some of my ideas/projects and maybe help a girl or two out!